Prayers and Practices - Love

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Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
Love - that we give each other enriches us

«It is in thinking about others and working for them that we become wealthy. At first of course, the exact opposite is true. In the beginning, those who are full of love, kindness, and self-sacrifice are considered a little foolish and are used and abused by those around them. But as time passes, they are appreciated more and more, and one day everyone expresses their love for them. They just need to be patient. When you put a sum of money in the bank, you do not receive the interest right away, do you? You must wait. Exactly the same law applies in the spiritual realm. You work with a great deal of love and disinterestedness, and at first you see no results. But you must not be discouraged: one day wealth will come to you from every direction, and you will not be able to escape it even if you try. The entire universe will shower you with extraordinary riches, because it is you who have engendered them. This is one of the forms of justice.»


  • Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov. ' Thought for the day.'
Editions Prosveta. Accessed September 9, 2017.
