George Roerich - Living Ethics (Codes of Conduct)

From 香格里拉 维基 / Wiki Shangri-La

Living Ethics (Codes of Conduct)

“1. One should forget the past; one should not think about insults inflicted upon him. The main thing is possibilities for cooperation. In the same way, the people of a country should forget about the old insults. The future is full of light, and everything should be done for the sake of this future.

“2. You should build a bridge into the future, without thinking back. If you made a mistake, think about what you should have done then, and next time act according to your new understanding. Do not regret the past. Relationships change, and one’s aura changes, too.

“3. In order to develop one’s mental ability to think, choose one topic, and contemplate all possible aspects of it, in comparison with other topics. Advise others to do the same.

“4. One should study psychic energy by observing its manifestations and recording one’s observations.

“5. One should watch his every action, even the least significant, making sure it is conscious. If I take a book, or extend my hand, this should be done deliberately and consciously.

“6. One should build up his inner code, or rules of conduct, to be used as his guidance.

“7. The Living Ethics is a norm of conduct, applied in life.

“8. Choose a time for silence for your spirit, and, in silence, open your heart to the Master’s Command. Do this several times every day. Sometimes, our own desires block out the Voice of the Teacher.

“9. If suddenly, a new thought, or a new mood, or a new emotion appears, write it down; later, the response to this will manifest itself in life. One should pay special attention to thoughts that appear repeatedly.

“10. In the evening, think about what you have done today according to the Teaching; not about what is already in your nature and is in agreement with the Teaching, but what you did according to the Teaching in spite of your nature.

“11. Self-control is the most important in everything. We start many good things without ever completing them.

“12. When one begins studying the Teaching, something like condensation of shadows happens. Manifestations of one’s bad qualities become stronger, just like after soil has been ploughed, weeds appear. A reevaluation takes place. Therefore, one should know his path, and be patient.

“13. The most heartfelt conversation is a personal, eye-to-eye one. This is how people of the East prefer to converse. Do not read together. Read separately, and share your thoughts later.

“14. One should never demand or order someone to do something; instead, one should talk in such a way that another person understands. One should find a formula, a form of expression, that would be acceptable to another.

“15. The best way of persuasion is one’s personal example.

“16. It is very important to know how to find the right words so as not to inflate one’s ego. Otherwise, instead of help, one can make things worse.

“17. The one who guides should be sensitive enough to see if the other one has sufficient fire and energy in him for his further development. Each approaching one brings with him his own karma; and before he is accepted, it is necessary to learn who he is.

“18. What should one do? Keeping in mind present conditions and possibilities, one should try to speak in ways understandable to others. Through science, arts, and morals, one should influence his surroundings and elevate enthusiasm and heroism in others. It is necessary to always and in everything support enthusiasm, if it is directed to the common good.

“19. Western philosophers utter lofty words but lead common, mundane lives. On the contrary, the Orient immediately applies ideas in life.

“20. Following Western ways, one can hardly liberate oneself from his mistakes. Western ways advise repentance, but this only creates chains. On the contrary, the East does not dwell on mistakes, but immediately, with all its being, tries to live right.

