- "Again we go away beyond mail communication,
- and wish to see all your work directed only into the future.
- Directed toward those masses among whom art penetrates with such difficulty.
- Toward universities, schools, the people’s and workers’ clubs,
- libraries, village communities, railroad stations,
- prisons, hospitals, orphan asylums.
- There the new consciousness is growing.
- There they await.
- And creation is growing together with labor.
- And all obstacles are only the birth of possibilities."
- "Again we go away beyond mail communication,
- Roerich Nicholas. 'A Letter.' In Shambhala. © Copyright 1930.
- Nicholas Roerich Museum. n.p. n.d. Web. Accessed October 16, 2012. <http://www.roerich.org/nr.html?mid=wrtgs>.
- Copyright © Courtesy of the Nicholas Roerich Museum (New York)