Prayers and Practices - To find humility
You have an ideal,
But there are people close to you that you do not like
And who, you think, are preventing you from realizing it,
And you are tempted to go back to business as usual.
Well, that is a very bad reaction.
If you have an ideal, do not forsake it because of people you do not like.
No one is perfect ; we have to put up with each other.
Thinking that you do not have to make an effort
To put up with each other
Shows great pride.
Each day, think how there are people who put up with you,
And that way you will find humility.
Humility is a virtue,
But first and foremost
It is a form of wisdom, a way of understanding;
It knows how put things into context.
Yes, true humility is wisdom, for it sees clearly,
Where is pride obscure vision.
So ask yourself how others see you and feel about you
- There may also be something in you that bothers you and harms them –
And keep working.
- Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov. ' Thought for the day.'
- Editions Prosveta n.p. n.d. Web. Accessed February 16, 2013.
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