Rosicrucian Rules

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Love God above all

To "love God" means to love wisdom and truth.
We can love God in no other way than in being obedient to Divine law;
and to enable us to exercise that obedience conscientiously requires knowledge of the law,
which can only be gained by practice.

Devote your time to your spiritual advancement

As the sun without leaving his place in the sky
sends his rays upon the earth
to shine upon the pure and the impure,
and to illuminate even the most minute material objects with his light;
likewise the spirit of man may send his mental rays into matter to obtain knowledge of all terrestrial things;
but there is no need that the spirit should thereby lose its own divine self-consciousness,
and be itself absorbed by the objects of its perception.

Be entirely unselfish

Spiritual knowledge begins only where all sense of self ceases.
Where the delusion which causes man to imagine himself to be a being separated and isolated from others ends,
there he begins to realize his true state
as an all-embracing universal and divine self-conscious power.

Be temperate, modest, energetic, and silent

The door to the inner temple is called "Contentment";
but no animal can enter therein,
only he who walks uprightly, being conscious of his true dignity as a human being.
Without energy, nothing can be accomplished;
and only in the silence,
when all thoughts and desires are at rest,
can the Divine harmonies penetrate to the internal ear.

Learn to know the origin of the METALS contained within thyself

Ignorance is the cause of suffering.
That which is material must be crucified and die,
so that that which is spiritual
may be resurrected and live.

Beware of quacks and pretenders

He who claims to be in possession of knowledge knows nothing;
only he through whom the Word of wisdom speaks is wise.

Live in constant adoration of the highest good

The worm seeks for pleasure among abomination and filth;
but the free eagle spreads his wings and rises up towards the sun.

Learn the theory before you attempt the practice

He who travels with a trustworthy guide will be safer than he who refuses to profit by the experience of another.

Exercise charity towards all beings

All beings are one in the spirit;
divided from each other merely by the illusion of form.
He who is charitable towards another form.
in which the universal One Life is manifest,
saves suffering to his own self.

Read the ancient books of wisdom

Books are to the unripe mind that which the mother's milk is to the nursling.
We must receive drink from others
until we have gained sufficient strength and experience to descend to the living fountain within ourselves,
and to draw from there the water of truth.

Try to understand their secret meaning

That which is external may be seen with the external eye;
but that which is spiritual can only be seen with the eye of the spirit.

These are the eleven rules which ought to be followed by those who desire to enter the temple of the Rosy Cross;
but the Rosicrucians have a twelfth rule, an Arcanum, in which great powers reside,
but of which it is not lawful to speak.
This Arcanum will be given to those who deserve it,
and by its aid
they will find light in the darkness,
and a guiding hand through the labyrinth.
This Arcanum is inexpressible in the language of mortals,
and it can, therefore, only be communicated from heart to heart.
There is no torture strong enough to extract it from the true Rosicrucian;
for even if he were willing to reveal it, those who are unworthy of it are not capable of receiving it.


  • Frantz Hartmann. 'The Principles of the Yoga-Philosophy of the Rosicrucians and Alchemists.' In In the Pronaos of the Temple of Wisdom. © Copyright 1875.
Internet Sacred Text Archive. n.p. n.d. Web. Accessed October 20, 2012. <>. archive.
