Controlling psychic manifestations

From 香格里拉 维基 / Wiki Shangri-La

◄   Part X Part XI Part XII   ►

Many persons do have unusual experiences of a psychic nature before they ever take up any course of practical, psychic development. This is because they attained some degree of development in a previous incarnation and those faculties are striving to manifest, and DO MANIFEST AT TIME, but without control and direction by the person. What must be done is to learn how to control and direct the faculties and develop them to a more perfect state of functioning. To do this, the spasmodic action of these faculties must cease for a time ; and nature stops them until the time comes to use them UNDER CONTROL after the laws and principles have been learned.


◄   Part X Part XI Part XII   ►

All the texts about Attaining Psychic Illumination