The length of time for mastership

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◄   Part XVIII Part XIX Part XX   ►

Always arises the question of TIME. [...] A WHOLE LIFETIME WOULD NOT BE SUFFICIENT TO LEARN ALL THAT THERE IS TO LEARN, and with much already accomplished, great things are possible.

What are five years or three years compared with the twenty-five, thirty and forty years you have lived WTHOUT THIS SPECIAL KNOWLEDGE, and the twenty, thirty, fifty, or sixty years, or more you will live WITH THE NEW KNOWLEDGE ? Why, then, be impatient ? Looking at it broadly, the five or six years required to bring the average member to the very threshold of mastership, as compared to one's whole cycle of incarnations, is like a pencil dot on a line miles in length. But how we can magnify that dot and lose sight of the line !

◄   Part XVIII Part XIX Part XX   ►

All the texts about Attaining Psychic Illumination