◄ Part XX | Part XXI | ► |
The work of the Rosicrucians is not an arbitrary plan or scheme developed by some individual or discovered by some leader of a cult. It is an evolved plan, worked out by the master minds of many ages and still being evolved. It is designed to give the utmost help and advantage to every sincere student on the Path and every devoted member of the Order. Nothing is left out of the teachings that will help. No modern thought revealed by any master mind is ignored if it is practical, but is immediately added to our teachings, so that our members will have all that is worthwhile. To believe that some mystic of India, or Persia, or some other land, possesses knowledge known only to his cult, knowledge that is not to be found in the Rosicrucian teachings, yet which he has offered to students for years at a commercial price, is to believe that the Order is unmindful of its obligations to its members, unacquainted with all sources of real wisdom, and inconsiderate of its own best interests. If any real knowledge of truly practical help to sincere students of mysticism is known to any group of students anywhere, it soon becomes a part of the Rosicrucian teachings, if it is not already a part of them. It is this fact that makes the Order the eminent repository of great wisdom. That is why members are urged not to spend money and time in private lessons from foreign or domestic teachers of personal systems, or in buying new books as they are issued rapidly by firms and individuals solely for the purpose of presenting in a new and puzzling form some of the ancient wisdom, or personal systems of discovered knowledge—and often at high prices.
◄ Part XX | Part XXI | ► |
All the texts about Attaining Psychic Illumination=
- I. When the student is ready
- II. How to prepare
- III. The Great Masters
- IV. The Great White Lodge
- V. Cosmic Initiation
- VI. Cosmic Consciouness
- VII. Benefits of our lessons
- VIII. Psychic awakening
- IX. Psychic developement
- X. Progress and delays
- XI. Controlling psychic manifestations
- XII. Special help in development
- XIII. Losing psychic contact
- XIV. Divine Illumination
- XV. The work of the Great Masters
- XVI. Indications of progress
- XVII. The inner urge
- XVIII. Special opportunities to progress
- XIX. The length of time for mastership
- XX. The attainment of desires
- XXI. Evolving instruction