Divine Illumination

◄   Part XIII Part XIV Part XV   ►

The Great Goal of the Great White Brotherhood is ever before the vision of all sincere Rosicrucians. The sublime joy of Cosmic Consciousness, Divine Illumination, can be known only through experience ; and those who have made the contact have written in hundreds of books in the past ages such alluring descriptions as were calculated to tempt the seeker on the Path to be patient and persistent in his journey toward that Goal.

You will realize, of course, that the Great White Brotherhood and the Great White Lodge have no visible organization. They never come together in one united session; their members are never assembled in any one meeting ; they have no Temple known by their names ; and they have no earthly rituals, physical organization laws, or material form as a Brotherhood or Lodge. That is why it is often said, in mystical writings, that the "real Rosicrucian Brotherhood is an invisible organization.

◄   Part XIII Part XIV Part XV   ►

All the texts about Attaining Psychic Illumination